About Taharmayim

When it comes to disasters, whether they are man made or natural are often not predictable. Being prepared to handle the situation can be the difference between life and death. A small packet of tablets in a cupboard or “bug out bag” can ensure clean and drinkable water for you and your family. Whether you choose to store water now that is treated with Taharmayim that is available during an emergency or treat water when needed, having a few boxes of Taharmayim can make a huge difference. Taharmayim water purification tablets are easier than using liquid bleach and do require you to store or transport something that might lead to spills or leaks. The Taharmayim water purification tablets are simply dropped into the water according to the instructions and 30 minutes later the water is drinkable (see detailed instructions that come inside each box.)

Buy a few boxes today.



We can live three weeks without food, but only three days without water.